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    Hong Kong Sociological Association 25th Annual Conference

    December 7th, 2024 (Saturday)

    Hong Kong Shue Yan University 


    In the digital era, technology profoundly influences society, offering bothchallenges and opportunities for sociological research. As digital platforms reshape communication, work, and social interactions, they also raise issues like privacy concerns and digital divides. This conference seeks papers exploring these dynamics and their impact on economic, political, educational, and cultural spheres. We welcome discussions on the ethical implications of digital research methods, the role of big data, and the potential for digital tools to drive social change. Join us in examining how digital transformations intersect with inequality, identity, and power in the evolving sociological landscape.


    Date: December 7th, 2024 (Saturday)

    Time: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

    Venue: RLB502, Research Complex Low Block, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    Mode: Face-to-face; online for participants outside Hong Kong


    Submission of abstract

    Conference Website 

    Deadline for Submission: October 15, 2024

    For further enquiries, please contact soc_1@hksyu.edu.hk




    Submission of Abstracts      

    We welcome submission of abstracts for individual papers/panelsaddressing, but not limited to, the following topics:

    Education and social mobility

    Gender and sexuality
    Marriage and family
    Youth and the elderl

    Health and disabilities
    Cultural heritage and innovation
    Migration and ethnic minorities
    Environment and sustainability
    Religion and religious organizations
    Body and self in the digital era
    Social movement and civil society
    Crime and deviance

    Issues in digital sociology
    Social inequality and digital divide
    Media, technology and culture
    AI, digital technology and the labor market
    Digital governance and smart cities
    Social research methods and digital data analysis
    Ethics of digital technology, data collection and privacy
    Social theory and the history of sociology
    Social policies, social justice, and social welfare

    Please include paper title and author information in the abstract (not more than250 words). For panel submissions, please include abstracts of all individual papers. Acceptance notifications will be sent out by early November. Online registration will be open thereafter.


    Registration and Membership Fee

    Life Membership: HK$4,000

    Regular Membership: HK$600/year

    Associate Membership: HK$500/year

    Student Membership: HK$300/year



    Registration fee includes membership/renewal of membership of theHong Kong Sociological Association for one year. Life members can register for the conference free of charge.