Life Member

    HK$ 4,000 / life


    Scholars or professionals active in sociological teaching, research or practice, who have postgraduate academic degrees in sociology or related disciplines and have paid the one-time Life Membership fee. Life Members have the same voting privileges as Regular Members in the HKSA Presidential election.

    Regular Member

    HK$ 600 / year


    Scholars or professionals active in sociological teaching, research or practice, who have postgraduate academic degrees in sociology or related disciplines. Regular members may vote in the HKSA Presidential election.

    Associate Member

    HK$ 500 / year


    Any scholars or professionals who support the objectives of the Association.

    Student Member

    HK$ 300 / year


    Open to all graduate level students in sociology and related disciplines.

  • Payment Methods


    Online payment: Stripe

    Please pay via Stripe by choosing the above membership option.


    Bank transfer

    You can also make deposit to the bank account of "Hong Kong Sociological Association" via automatic teller machines (ATM) / bank teller / internet banking. Please send the bank pay-in slip or a copy of transaction record to us by email (hksociologicalasso@gmail.com) with your name, affiliation, and contact phone number.

    Hong Kong Sociological Association
    Bank Account: Bank of China (Bank code 012) 553-0-005397-5





    Membership fees are non-refundable